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The Role Of Thermally Conductive Materials

Jun 25

Managing heat is an essential element in the operation of electronic devices. As power densities increase, and individual components run at faster speeds, they generate more heat. This heat must be transported away from critical components and system hot spots, and dissipated. The thermal management process is an important part of any electronic design and must be carefully designed, as failure to do so can impact performance and reliability.

The most effective thermal management is achieved using a combination of heat sinks, fans, and insulation materials. Insulation is an essential component because it slows the transfer of heat through a material. The ability of a material to insulate is determined by its The Power of Thermally Conductive Insulators and thermal resistance. Thermal conductivity is the ability of a material to conduct thermal energy, while thermal resistance is the ability of a material to resist thermal energy.

A high thermal conductivity is a good thing for a material used as an insulator, since it makes the material more effective at slowing the transfer of heat. However, when designing a system, the desired insulating properties should be balanced against the necessary electrical conductivity. The best solution is a material that has both low thermal conductivity and high electrical conductivity, which is known as an electrically conductive insulator.

Polymer adhesives are inherently thermal insulators, but can be made more conductive by adding metal fillers such as silver, gold, copper, nickel or aluminum oxide. These additions, however, render the adhesive electrically conductive and are therefore unsuitable for applications where electrical isolation is required. Inorganic electrically nonconductive fillers such as silica, beryllium oxide, and cubic boron nitride can also be added to the adhesive formulation to enhance its thermal conductivity without compromising its electrical properties.

Diamond-based insulators have also shown promise for their ability to be both thermally and electrically conductive. However, the environmental concerns surrounding mining and refining of diamonds must be carefully considered. Additionally, these new materials have yet to be tested on a large scale.

For these reasons, it's important for design engineers to stay informed about technological advancements in thermal management. Developing an understanding of the latest innovations can help them to find the right balance between cost and effectiveness. Thankfully, there are many viable options for those looking to reduce their energy consumption and carbon footprint.


Custom Materials, Inc
16865 Park Circle Drive
Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44023
(440) 543-8284