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How to Use an Essential Oil For Bumps

Aug 23

There are a variety of remedies that are natural for bruises . However, the essential oils should be used with caution. The oils may cause irritation to the skin and are extremely potent. They may also cause stomach upsets as well as other unwanted consequences. Before you try these products, talk to your physician for any health issues or previous history of. If you experience persistent bruises or aren't explained then consult your physician.

Rosehip seed oil

Applying rosehip seed oil on a bruised area is a great natural treatment. The high amount of linoleic acid in rosehip seed oil can reduce dark circles, and also provides moisture to the skin. However, the oil of rosehip may be oily, and it is advised to apply it to the affected area at least 20 minutes prior to bedtime. Before applying rosehip seed oil, consult with a dermatologist to determine if it's suitable for you.

Rosehip oil can be used to hydrate the skin. The high concentration of fatty acids found in rosehip oil promotes the regeneration of skin. It is known to reduce imperfections in the skin such as wrinkles and fine lines, and can also help with scarring. It's suitable for all skin types and, when combined with vitamin E, it may last for up to two years. Its aroma is pleasant and is perfect for application on the face. It can soothe skin irritation and can help reduce redness.

Lavender oil

Essential oils of lavender can be applied to the affected area to relieve pain and reduce the swelling. The medicinal properties of lavender are amazing. It aids in healing wounds and aids in relaxing. It promotes healthy sleep. Essential oils can bring balance to our lives. Lavender is a wonderful oil for relieving stress and bruises. You can use it every day to relieve pain and bruises.

Lavender essential oil can be applied to bruises to diminish the appearance. It has anti-inflammatory and astringent properties that help prevent the blood from pooling in the area of the wound. Adding a few drops to your bath or shower following a workout will help to reduce swelling. If applied after exercise, the lavender essential oil can help you reduce the pain caused by bruises.

Geranium oil

Essential oils such as lemongrass, lemongrass, and Geranium can help reduce inflammation and swelling. They also increase circulation to the injured area and speed up the process of healing. Essential oils can be applied to the affected areas. You should not apply essential oils to your skin undiluted as they can cause irritation. You should instead dilute the essential oils with carrier oil prior to applying them to the affected area. You can also use essential oils to lessen wrinkles and slow down the aging process.

Essential oils for bruising are extremely potent. If you apply excessive amounts of these oils to an injury, it can cause irritation or inflammation. Other possible side effects that can result include stomach upset, nausea, and vomiting. Consult your physician prior to taking essential oils. This is particularly crucial in case you are pregnant or nursing, or have an illness. Essential oils can cause bruising which may not heal fast. Extremely severe bruises may need medical treatment.

Peppermint oil

When applied topically, peppermint essential oil can ease the pain associated with bruises. Mix one or two drops with a carrier oil like Jojoba or Coconut oil. It is also possible to apply a cold compress using peppermint. Cypress essential oil is also beneficial for bruises. The earthy, woody scent helps to improve circulation and reduce swelling. It can also be used to help prevent bruises.

The essential oil of lavender can be efficient in treating bruises. The antiseptic and astringent properties assist in healing bruises quicker. Its soothing aroma can help to relax, and is helpful for old and fresh bruises. Lavender essential oils are an excellent anti-inflammatory and it's ideal to apply to bruised skin. Just be sure to dilute the oil with an oil carrier prior to applying it.


The benefits of Geranium essential oil for bruises are numerous. It increases blood circulation which helps speed healing. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce swelling and pain caused by bruises. It is one of the most popular essential oils used to treat bruises. It is also known to help ease tension and stress. It is also extremely effective in reducing bruises and in enhancing skin radiance.

Rose Geranium Essential Oil is beneficial for bruises and reduces the inflammation and swelling. It also improves circulation to the bruised area and promotes the growth of new tissue. Because lavender is a soothing herb, it's beneficial for bruising. To relax and soothe properties, geranium can be added to the bathwater. However, make sure you dilute it properly. Also, make sure that it's free of irritants.

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